Membership Application

Membership Renewal for 2023

PDF Form

The membership application/renewal form is also available for download in PDF format.

MFTA Application/Renewal Form

New Membership or Renewal – 2023 – Non-Profits and Businesses of all Sizes!

It is time renew memberships for either a 1-year, 2-year or 3-year term, or join us for the first time. 

You may ask, why should you join?  You may think you are not a direct tourism business so why would I join?  Answer, your membership supports MFTA, which is a Regional Board that is recognized by our three Municipalities as well as Travel Alberta.  Our main mission is to ‘Promote the Frontier’, which includes your business, your community and your local facilities to tourists from all over Canada as well as our regional population.  Many businesses like yours also use our information for employee recruitment and retention!

In the last few years we have been successful in leveraging your membership dollars with a Travel Alberta Partnership Projects totalling over $140,000, and we are continuing with these opportunities moving forward.  Some of these initiatives include a complete update and revamp of our ‘Winter in the Frontier’ publication, we created day-trip one-pagers, a large partnership with Mighty Peace Tourism for an online and print version of the ‘Great Northern Circle Tour’!  Which markets different duration trips throughout the Peace and Mackenzie.  We continue to expand our partnership with MoveUp Magazine and are active on social media, and the distribution of our amazing locally produced hard copy brochures to targeted locations across Alberta, BC and NWT. 

Our trade show schedule is coming together for 2023, this is where we take the region, our communities and businesses on the road!  We target our high-use audiences and communities to ensure more value for the dollars spent.

These initiatives are over and above all the regular work the Mackenzie Frontier Tourism does throughout the year!  With the expanded mandate of Travel Alberta funding to include development not just promotion and marketing your membership also helps open up greater exposure to this stream of funding to help build your business!

We have kept the membership fees low,  and have added a home-based business option, in order, to allow a greater number of businesses of varying sizes across the region to partner with us in promoting the Mackenzie Region to its full potential.  We are continuing with multi-year options and online payment to make it easier for you.  Our three-year memberships will also better correspond with the updating of our print publications, as this is a substantial cost for us, and we wish to highlight as many of our long-term members as possible.   

If you could please submit your current information so that we can update all files, website and ensure that information is up to date for all print materials.  If you have a secondary company or organization that would like to become a MFTA member, please feel free to copy the membership form and submit along with payment.  You can also sign up using our web-form online from our website.  You can email transfer with your membership fee.  Once payment is received a receipt along with year sticker (and a wall certificate for new members) will be mailed to you.  

If you have any questions regarding this letter or the enclosed invoice and form, please contact the MFTA by email at or by letter to our mailing address below.


Kayla Wardley

Administration, MFTA