Noralta Inn West Ltd.
The Noralta Inn West - Zama offers a wide array of services and facilities to ensure that you have everything that you need during your stay.
The Patch - Convenience Store open 6days a week Items that can be found at the store.
- Zama City Merch: cups, coffee cups, shirts, games, bags, etc.
- Canadian Legion Items
- Robbie Craig Ornaments
- Pink Shirt Day items
-Snacks: candy, pop, chips
- I Love Oil & Gas items
- Oil & windshield washer
- Grocery items
- Ice cream
Looking to get some fuel, they have the Bluewave house card available.
Included with every room is wireless internet, 24 hour access to the kitchen, with hot meals served daily between 5am to 9pm, free parking, with lots of room for oversized vehicles and mail services.